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Merry Christmas, Christ is RISEN!

The title of this blog should spark joy in the heart of each reader. For indeed, this Christmas Season and every day can be merry and joy filled when Jesus Christ is celebrated as the risen King!

Colossians 1:1-2 says, “If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God. 2 Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth.”

Unfortunately, many people today are depressed, unhappy, unfulfilled and broken hearted. Largely due to their focus being off, rehearsing negative events which have caused feelings of hopelessness along with their empty attempts to search for someone or something to reverse their negative circumstances.

The above scriptures are the antidote for negative emotions which stem from negative

circumstances. The scripture says to refocus! To re-center your attention toward the risen Savior and His provisions! Therefore, today I encourage you to adjust your focus! Begin to solely look to Christ. As a believer, you have been risen from the dead with Him! Therefore, Jesus’ victory over Satan is your victory!

Through His triumph over Satan He brought joy, peace and wholeness to every inhabitant of this world. And as a believer you above all others should consume and indulge yourself in your God-given benefits. Enjoy them and become fully satiated!

However, in order to live this way in the midst of seemingly overwhelming odds, you must monitor and then control your thoughts with God’s word. And the negative emotions that you’ve been experiencing will be uprooted and replaced with hope and joy!

Don’t allow Satan to paint a bleak picture of your future, extinguish your joy, or steal your peace of mind. Don’t allow your present circumstances to determine what you think about yourself or determine the type of future that you can have.

Christ sits at the right hand of God and you are seated with Him in heavenly places in Christ Jesus! Consequently, see yourself from your seated position in Christ. See your circumstances from this high and powerful position and allow your emotions to be governed by the truths of God’s Word.

Furthermore, in verse three of Colossians chapter one the scripture says, “For ye are dead, and your life is hid with Christ in God.”

Meaning when you became saved the old man died and you became a new creature in Christ Jesus. You were made new! At that time, your life was also hidden or concealed with Christ in God. Denoting, you are divinely protected and provided for. You have a new life powered by God and supplied with His provisions!

Isaiah 9:6 says, “For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.”

The Son that was given to you personally is Jesus Christ, the Lord! And He is called Wonderful, because He is a Wonder, and He is your personal miracle worker! He is called Counselor, because He is your advisor with inside information about your future. He is called The Mighty God, because He alone is the Strong and Mighty Champion that defeated Satan for you!

He is called The Everlasting Father because He perpetually lives and ensures you receive His promises made to you! Lastly, He is called the Prince of Peace because He is the Chief and Captain of your Shalom! Today and every day allow the Prince of Peace to invade your soul, which will cause God-given peace and joy to flow from your spirit, expelling every attempt of Satan to bind you!

So, remember this Christmas Season that Christ is risen from the dead so that you might become a partaker of His provision with Him! Jesus Christ is the only One who has provided you with safety, peace, soundness, health, rest and wholeness! Truly, God gave the world an unspeakable gift when He gave us Jesus!

Praise the Lord, our Salvation has come! Jesus Christ, the Risen King!


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